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Why Gross Margin Per Client Is Your Business’s Secret Weapon
Why Gross Margin Per Client Is Your Business’s Secret Weapon
Unlocking Your Full TAS Valuation
In our line of work, we often guide clients through transactions culminating in joyous celebrations and resounding appreciation. However, the journey doesn't always proceed smoothly. Even the best transactions have setbacks. On occasion, one transaction may have several.
Calculating a TAS Valuation
Someone asked the other day how I got into M&A, and here's my story. I was working at a marketing agency in 1989 when our client, AT&T, wanted a sales agency to sell the advertising in the AT&T 800 Directory. The agency decided to pass on the opportunity, and I asked the owner of the agency I worked for if I could go after the business.
Recently, we received a call from a potential buyer within our industry, inquiring about our assistance acquiring several answering services. After careful deliberation, we made a strategic decision that will more closely align us with the interests of owners in the answering service industry. We chose not to offer buy-side services, and here's why:
Richard joined Jason Cutter on the Authentic Persuasion Show podcast. Great conversation on how contact center owners can scale, optimize, and ultimately increase the enterprise's value. As a former call center owner, Richard tells his story on founding, growing, and ultimately exiting his center. Learn from his story and feel free to reach out to learn more.
Designed to result in a positive exit experience.
Writing an exit strategy is only effective if it centers around the owner’s goals. From determining how long...
Valuations for call center / BPOs will vary depending on a large set of variables, but typically they come down to these 4 areas. Buyers want to know that the past success is not only repeatable but can be improved upon with gains in efficiencies, reduction in costs, and improvements to revenues.